Plenary sitting of the 110th Intermational Labour Conference
110th International Labour Conference
Event Group
110th International Labour Conference
The International Labour Conference (ILC) sets the international labour standards and the broad policies of the ILO. It meets annually in Geneva. Often called an international parliament of labour, the Conference is also a forum for discussion of key social and labour questions. Each member State is represented by government's, employers' and workers' delegates. This year, occupational safety and health, apprenticeships, as well as the social and solidarity economy are among the items on the agenda of the Conference.

Adoption of Committee reports

Showing dates/times for
11 June 2022 at 08:00 until 11:00
Adoption of the reports of the Committee on Apprenticeships and the Committee on the Application of Standards.

Key moments

playMuhyiddin Muhyiddin's remarks
Duration: 6:02
playScott Barklamb's remarks
Duration: 6:36
playAmanda Brown's remarks
Duration: 7:55
playLuis Claudino de Oliveira's remarks
Duration: 6:34
playCristobal Fernandez's remarks
Duration: 1:48

Standard-Setting Committee: Apprenticeships

Muhyiddin Muhyiddin
Scott Barklamb
Amanda Brown
Luis Claudino de Oliveira
Cristobal Fernandez
Government delegate, GRULAC
Anousheh Karvar
Government delegate, European Union

Committee on the Application of Standards

Zaman Mehdi
Ambassador, Rapporteur
Sonia Regenbogen
Employer Vice-Chairperson
Marc Leemans
Worker Vice-Chairperson
Pablo Topet
Anousheh Karvar
Government delegate, European Union
Xiaoyan Qian
Government delegate

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