Gender-based violence at work

Galvanizing Commitment for Action: Ending Violence and Harassment at Work

Showing dates/times for

In January 2023, Canada became the 25th country to ratify International Labour Organization Convention 190 to eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work including gender-based violence and harassment. In this webinar, U.S. and Canadian government leaders will discuss the process of ratification and its implications for ending gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work, including U.S. commitments to the principles of ILO C190.

Key moments

playRakesh Patry: What was the role of Canada during the development and negotiations of ILO convention 190?
Duration: 2:17
playThea Lee: Generally how does violence and harassment and in particular gender based violence and harassment, undermine women's access to decent work.
Duration: 3:15
playRakesh Patry: What was the Process that led to Canada's ratification of convention 190, and which stakeholders were involved?
Duration: 2:54
playThea Lee: Examples of what the US government is doing to address the challenges that women face in the workplace with gender-based violence and harassment
Duration: 3:04


Rakesh Patry
Director General, International and Intergovernmental Labour Affairs and and Chair of the Equal Pay International Coalition (EPIC)
Thea Lee
Deputy Undersecretary, Bureau of International Labor Affairs


Kevin Cassidy
Director, ILO Office for the United States and Canada


Robin Runge
Associate Professorial Lecturer in Law, George Washington University Law School