Rows of Asian sewing machinists working in factory
ILO at COP27
Event Group
ILO at COP27

Keeping the social dimension of climate change at the forefront of discussions is the focus of events being organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) at the up-coming UN Climate Change Conference (COP27). Together with the European Commission, the ILO hosts the first ever Just Transition Pavilion, a convening space for events, meetings and knowledge sharing around just transition and climate action in cooperation with the UNFCCC, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and International Organisation of Employers (IOE). You can watch live – or replay – all events held in the Pavilion on this page. Please note all times are in Sharm-El-Sheikh local time (GMT+2, GVA+1).

Greening Business – paths to more sustainable companies

Showing dates/times for
Decarbonisation and a sustainable economy across the globe will only happen through the development of new processes, products, services, business models, and ways of working. This event will share views, experience and recommendations from industry experts on how businesses can reduce their environmental impact and become sustainable while continuing to be successful.

Opening remarks

José Manuel Medina Checa
Enterprise Development and Job Creation Specialist
ILO Decent Work Team and Country Office


Lusine Manucharyan
Deep SBP Practioner Envrironmentalist
The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment


Amadou Sako
Adviser and Project Officer for Africa
International Organisation of Employers (IOE)