Young worker harvesting coffee in Vietnam - Vision Zero Fund 2021
Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice
Event Group
Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice

The Forum gathers over 250 partners of the Global Coalition for Social Justice, during the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Open to Coalition partners and ILO accredited tripartite delegations to the ILC. The programme of the Inaugural Forum is structured as a continuation of the ongoing collaborative effort initiated by partners on the thematic development of the Coalition. The plenary session highlights specific actions taken by partners to promote social justice, in alignment with the Coalition's thematic areas. It features three thematic dialogues on:

  • Building the resilience of societies
  • Improving the coherence between economic and social policies 
  • Fostering social dialogue for shared prosperity

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese and international sign language.

Improving coherence between economic and social policies

Showing dates/times for

The thematic dialogue on Improving coherence between economic and social policies seeks to unpack the complexities of, and synergies between, economic policies and social objectives, highlighting how economic policies alone cannot achieve inclusive growth and social justice and effectively tackle inequalities without considering and addressing the social dimension. It further aims to identify strategies to ensure that economic policies are not only growth oriented, but also inclusive and sustainable, and that they foster equal opportunities and outcomes for all. The session seeks to lay the groundwork for future collaborations and to stimulate strengthened partnerships centred on the alignment between economic growth and social justice.

Key moments

playColin Jordan: How social justice can be integrated into economic policies
Duration: 8:10
playBoris Zúrcher: Formalization of SMEs and their contribution to decent work
Duration: 5:59
playJacqueline Mugo: Steps to enhance partnerships and collaboration
Duration: 3:07
playGerardo Martínez: Integration of workers' priorities into policy-making
Duration: 6:54
playNgozi Okonjo-Iweala: How stronger partnerships can ensure that trade delivers greater social benefits
Duration: 11:29

Partners' conversation

Colin Jordan
Colin Jordan
Minister of Labour, Social Security and Third Sector
Boris Zurcher
Boris Zúrcher
Secretary of State, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Jacqueline Mugo
Jacqueline Mugo
Executive Director, Federation of Kenya Employers
Gerardo Martinez
Gerardo Martínez
Secretary General, Argentinean Building Workers Union
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
World Trade Organization (WTO)

Partners' spotlight

Karien van Gennip
Karien van Gennip
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Social Affairs and Employment
Kamel Maddouri
Kamel Maddouri
Minister of Social Affairs
Alok Chandra
Senior Labour and Employment Adviser, Ministry of Labour and Employment
Florence Bore
Florence Bore
Minister of Labour and Social Protection
Anousheh Karvar
Anousheh Karvar
Government delegate
Oliver Röpke
Oliver Röpke
President, European Economic and Social Committee


Yvone Ndege
Yvonne Ndege
Femi Oke
Femi Oke
Watch more events of Inaugural Forum of the Global Coalition for Social Justice
Building resilience of societies
Building resilience of societies
Fostering social dialogue for shared prosperity
Fostering social dialogue for shared prosperity