Launched in 2016, the ILO’s Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All (SPF Flagship Programme) supports ILO member States in developing sustainable social protection systems, including floors, and contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on social protection (in particular targets 1.3 and 3.8), through a coherent structure to mobilize resources and achieve impact.
The Programme works in 50 priority countries, aiming to achieve 80 institutional changes and increase legal and effective coverage for an additional 60 million people.
Objectives of the meeting:
-Take stock of the progress made, results achieved, and impact created during 2021 and 2022
-Share country and partner experiences in extending social protection to all, look at current and future challenges and opportunities, with a focus on key thematic areas: Climate change and a just transition, digitalization, financing, informal economy, social health protection and unemployment protection
-Join forces to accelerate the achievement of Universal Social Protection including through the Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions
Ecological, technological, and demographic transformations present challenges and opportunities for countries at all levels of development. This panel highlights how integrated policy approaches can facilitate structural transformations, close financing gaps and expand social protection coverage, including through the Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions.