Whistle blower protection meeting image

Whistle-blowers protection in the public service sector: Challenges and opportunities

Showing dates/times for

Taking place during the ILO’s technical meeting on the protection of whistle-blowers in the public service sector, this panel discussion will provide a platform for governments, employers’ and workers’ representatives to exchange on gaps, difficulties and opportunities in the application of the current whistle-blowers protection frameworks in the public service sector.


Malika Aït-Mohamed Parent
Anti-Corruption Expert, Fellow at the International Anti-Corruption Academy Austria and Geneva
Tom Devine
Legal Director, Government Accountability Project, Washington
Julien Yombouno
Minister of Labour and Public Service
Henrik Munthe
Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
Angel Riguet
Federal Administration of Public Revenue


Dhaya Pillay
Office of Chief Justice, High Court of South Africa, and Chairperson of the Technical meeting

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