Children walking in a river after tsunami

The impact of climate change on child labour: Challenges and opportunities for action

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Organized during the 14th annual meeting of the ILO Child Labour Platform, the conversation aims to foster understanding of the interlinkages between climate change and labour rights, particularly child labour, and to provide an overview of what the ILO is doing to address this challenge. Participants will be able to share knowledge and learn about good practices among existing due diligence initiatives on climate change and child labour in supply chains. The session also seeks to inspire collaborative action and provide participants with the opportunity to identify key partners and stakeholders such as trade unions, government officials, and local businesses and communities, with whom multinationals can collaborate.


Moustapha Kamal Gueye
Director, Action Programme on Just Transitions Towards Environmentally Sustainable Economies and Societies
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Shubha Sekhar
Regional Director Human and Workplace Rights, Coca-Cola Company
Yann Wyss
Global Head, Social Impact and Human Rights, Nestlé
William Anderson
Vice-President, Global Social and Environmental Affairs, Adidas
Camilo Sánchez
Coffee Sustainability Manager USA, ofi
Scott Lyon
Senior Policy Researcher
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Josée Laporte
Specialist, Corporate Social Responsibility
International Labour Organization (ILO)

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