Image to illustrate EPAF meeting 1054

Launch of the Employment Policy Action Facility (EPAF)

Showing dates/times for

This virtual launch event will feature discussions on the ILO approach to employment policies in a changing world of work and a presentation of the ILO’s Employment Policy Action Facility (EPAF) and its service offer on comprehensive employment strategies that promote decent jobs for all to intended users


Sher Verick
Head, Employment Strategies for Inclusive Transformation Unit • EMPLAB
International Labour Organization (ILO)

Opening Remarks

Mia Seppo
Assistant Director-General for Jobs and Social Protection
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Sangheon Lee
Director of the ILO Employment Policy Department (EMPLOYMENT)
International Labour Organization (ILO)


Carmela I. Torres
Undersecretary, Employment and Human Resource Development Cluster, Department of Labour and Employment, Philippines
Vicki ya Toivo
Special Advisor, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relation and Employment Creation, Namibia
Evelyn Astor
Economic and Social Policy Adviser
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Scott Barklamb
Director - Workplace Relations, Australia
Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)
Sukti Dasgupta
Chief, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Elina Scheja
Senior Specialist, Employment and Poverty Diagnostics, Employment Analyses & Economic Policies Unit
International Labour Organization (ILO)