Man looking through a microscope at a factory
Workshop on Reducing Inequality to Promote Social Justice
Event Group
Workshop on Reducing Inequality to Promote Social Justice

This ILO workshop brings together global experts to explore the drivers of inequality and identify crucial policy actions to create fairer societies for all. Economic inequality remains one of the most pressing challenges in modern societies, having far-reaching implications for social cohesion, access to opportunities, and overall well-being. 

It perpetuates a cycle of poverty and social exclusion, creating barriers to equal opportunities and upward mobility. Therefore, addressing economic inequalities is an essential aspect of pursuing social justice.

In September 2023, the International Labour Organization (ILO) launched a global communication campaign called “This Way to Social Justice”, aiming at intensifying efforts to address inequalities in the world of work.

This workshop aims to further understand the drivers of economic inequality, assess the depth and breadth of inequality across countries and finally identify crucial policy actions to pave the way towards fairer societies for all. 

Meritocracy in the Face of Group Inequality

Showing dates/times for

This session explores how meritocratic systems assign tasks based on predicted performance, considering how innate ability and acquired training impact outcomes. Key questions include how differential access to resources affects performance and whether optimal task assignments can be group-blind or strictly based on training. Additionally, the session examines the implications of potential score manipulation and established selection policies on performance disparities.


Ekkehard Ernst
Chief of the Macroeconomic Policies and Jobs Unit
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Rajiv Sethi
Professor of Economics
Columbia University
Rohini Somanathan
Professor of Economics
Delhi School of Economics
Dagmar Walter
Deputy-Director, ILO Department of Research
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Watch more events of Workshop on Reducing Inequality to Promote Social Justice
What is Driving Wealth Inequality in the United States of America? The Role of Productivity, Taxation and Skills
What is Driving Wealth Inequality in the United States of America? The Role of Productivity, Taxation and Skills