6 o'clock in the morning, domestic worker sweeping the street in front of a private property in the Golf Links area, Delhi.
21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians
Event Group
21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians

The 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians  (ICLS) held at ILO headquarters in Geneva from 11-20 October 2023 will celebrate the centenary of the Conference, that was first held in October 1923.

Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO’s Member States will tackle a wide range of issues that have a long-term impact on the world of work, including concepts, statistical definitions and methods for measuring key indicators for the advancement of social justice.

Special session on measuring social justice

Showing dates/times for

A panel discussion on "Reflecting on how to enhance the measurement of Social Justice in the world of work" will address how the statistical frameworks can support an in-depth monitoring of social justice in the world. 


Anil Arora
Chief Statistician
Statistics Canada
Francesca Perucci
Director of Policy and Partnerships
Open data Watch
Grace Bediako
Ghana Statistical Service Governing Board 
Marcio Pochmann
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE


Rafael Diez de Medina
Director of the Department of Statistics and Chief Statistician
International Labour Organization (ILO)

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